It's difficult at times for us to understand why we have to be the ones to give in,
or why this makes us feel like we are humbling down or showing weakness. We want to do what God is asking and what we know
is right to do, but it does not help with what we are feeling. So, why should we do it?
Read John 14:15-16
Christ has given us a promise that
if we keep His commandments, the comforting we need shall come. By letting go and letting God handle our problems, we are
showing proof that our relationship with Him is more important than holding on to bitterness and anger. These emotions are
eating away at your insides, affecting the body's immune system and your spiritual being. These negative spirits are a sin
barrier between you and God. By not letting go, you are being disobedient to Him and His will. In addition, saying that holding
on to these feelings is more important to you than peace, joy or happiness.
If we want Christ
be at the center of our life, then we must give Him control. God cannot work in the face of unforgiveness. We know it is hard
to forgive someone who has hurt and cause you pain. Nevertheless, it must be done. Walking around with unforgiveness in our
hearts is like a ball and chain. It drags us down and turns love onto hatred and bitterness. Holding on to these thoughts
and feelings, keeps our mind and life stuck in the past. Why live each day of your life with the gloom of the past? Let go
of these thoughts and their misery. Let God show you the joy of living through a relationship with Him.
Read Philippians 3:13-14
What is GOD’S word saying to you?
What is your reply to GOD?