We have learned that forgiveness is an action and not a feeling. This is a choice you make to free yourself from the
weigh you feel inside. Sometimes, when we speak of forgiving those who wrong
us, we still harbor feelings of anger, resentment or hate. This adds to the difficulties
we face in trying to forgive and forget the deeds of others. You know that the anger feeds your thoughts and the thoughts
feed the anger. This cycle must be broken. Forgetting does not mean the thought is wiped from your memory. In this case, it
is saying YOU FORGOT TO THINK ABOUT THEM TODAY. It is saying that you did not dwell on them and the wrongs they done you.
Because your mind was occupied with other thoughts today. These thoughts, for reasons that you cannot explain, were filling
you with peace. You forgot to think about them today, because the thoughts you were having, made you glad to be alive.
The Bible tells us that all things are possible with GOD. So saying we cannot forget, is limiting God, and causing
us to miss our blessings and healing. God forgave you when you came to Him in repentance. As far as the east is from the west,
so far has He removed our transgressions from us.
Read psalms 103:12; Isaiah 44:22, Micah 7:19.
Scripture promises that when God forgives, He also forgets. Their sin I will remember no more (Jer. 31:34c). Since
God forgives and forgets..., you are capable of doing it too.
The answer to true forgiveness is through a relationship with Jesus Christ, and being obedient to His word. We must forgive
to be forgiven. Think about all the times that you have asked God to forgive you. Do unto others, as you would have them do
unto you.
Read Isaiah 26:3
How do we forget when we have been wronged? By having our focus on something more positive. The source of that positive
focus is Jesus.
Although we remember our hurt, pains and those who we think caused them,
we can still have perfect peace if we let our minds stay focused on Him. Examine
yourself, can you say you have truly forgiven?_____
Is it about time?
Read Philippians
What is GOD’S
word saying to you?
What is your
reply to GOD?