When we look at the situation
or issues facing us … how can a person still count themselves as being blessed?
[Write you answer below]
Is there something in your
life you can look at right now and say … “Lord I Thank You?
[Write your Answer here]
What is that something?
One: Name something you did or said to another person today, which in your heart you know was not right.
- Now stop …
kneel down and ask God to forgive you and to give you an opportunity to right that wrong.
- If you wake up
in the morning, that means He heard your prayer request and He is giving you an opportunity to do what you prayed for. (Consider
yourself as being blessed) Read Ecclesiastes 5:6
Two: How can you count yourself as being blessed?
If you are concern about
the things that are happening in your life, the situations you are facing and that there doesn’t appear to be a brighter
future ahead for you. God says to take heart, be of good cheer and believe on these things.
Read Isaiah 41: 10-13
Now you get an opportunity
to know if these things written about Him are true. [Maybe this is a blessing too]
Three: Have you notice some of your blessings?
There have been things you
hoped for and dreamed of having in your life…. Have you received any of those things?
Are there some things you
have right now, that you know you did not get on your own?
Read Psalm 115: 12-15
Notice what it says about
you at the end.
Four: How do you know if you are blessed? When you know how much
love and mercy God is willing to bestow upon you.
Read Ephesians 2:1-10
Five: Read Psalm 25: 1-22; in verse 22 substitute your name in place Israel.
Six: Take some time today and reflect on all you have learned about God and how He is blessing you. You perhaps
have heard people say that no matter how bad things are for … there are
others who are worst off.
If this is true (and you are not rejoicing in others misfortunes), then maybe you are blessed.
Read Psalm 65:4