The path to a deeper union with God is discovered in the everyday things you do. Here are some
simple - yet significant - things you can do to make each day special as you remember your relationship to God.
At home:
Create a "God place" that you set apart for quiet time with God. Maybe it's a corner of your bedroom
or living room where you can have special time with God.
Each time you look at your daily schedule, remind yourself to give God some of your day. If you
are convinced that you have no time, take three extra minutes in the bathroom - no one will bother you.
When chores get you down, pause to remind yourself of the gift of health that allows you to do
Set your dinner table as if for a special occasion at least once a month and celebrate simple
blessings such as the first tomato from the garden, rain, or apple season.
Tape favorite Bible verses or devotional thoughts inside your cupboard doors. Seeing them will
remind you that God is with you at every moment and in every task.
Use your exercise time to pray. You will have no other distractions and plenty of time to talk
and listen.
Keep a prayer journal. Record prayer requests and answers, insights from devotional readings,
and personal responses to the events of each day or week.
When you're angry with a loved one, take a deep breath before you speak and silently think of
three things you love about that person.
At work:
Keep a green plant in your work area, or brighten your space with a fresh flower.
Keep family photos close by to remind you to pray for these special people.
Send handwritten thank-you notes when you've received special help on a task.
Pray on the move. On your way to important meetings or just as you walk through your workplace,
silently offer a one-sentence prayer asking God's wisdom and guidance.
Be a good listener. Someone else's crisis may be an opportunity for you to gently share what God
has done for you.
Look for and acknowledge the strengths of others. Pray for their continued success.
Listen to inspirational messages while commuting.
Other times:
Seek out God in the sunrise, sunset, or moon and stars. Once a week, spend five minutes in silence
looking at and soaking in the beauty of the sky.
Look for the positive in people.
Volunteer a few hours every week or month to a service you think is important.
Notice details in buildings, art, and people's work, appreciating the beauty and the differences
you find.
Wear a small cross every day as a reminder that in His death and resurrection, Christ gave you
the gift of salvation and eternal life.